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Matrox Maevex 6152 Series + BoxCast

This article will walk you through the steps of live streaming with your Matrox Maevex 6152 to BoxCast

Mindy Worley avatar
Written by Mindy Worley
Updated over a week ago

Note: You must have a Windows computer to download the software

Next, connect your Matrox Encoder via ethernet. You want to make sure the Matrox Encoder and the computer with the PowerStream Plus Software are on the same network. If you open the software you should now see the Matrox Encoder as a device on the network.

Note: If you do not see your encoder, please contact Matrox support as to why the device is not connected.

Double click on your encoder to open up the settings.

Click on the + sign and select RTMP

This is where you will enter your Server URL and Stream Key from the BoxCast Dashboard. You can generate a new RTMP code under the sources tab in the dashboard.
Copy and paste the Server URL into the "Destination Location" field and copy the Stream Key into the "Stream name/key" field.

Make sure you have Enable Stream toggled on at the top and feel free to assign turning on the stream to button 1. This will allow you to click button 1 on the encoder to turn it on and off.
​*You must have a video source plugged into the encoder for it to stream or it will not start sending data to BoxCast.

Click Apply in the bottom right corner to save changes.

Go to the sources tab in the dashboard and if you see a green dot next to the Matrox Encoder, it is connected! Click on the encoder to schedule a test broadcast to see if it's working.

If you are having trouble with your Matrox encoder connecting to the BoxCast Platform, please reach out to Matrox to make sure all your settings are correct for the unit. Click here to reach out.

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