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Zoom + BoxCast

This step-by-step guide shows how to stream your Zoom meeting to BoxCast using RTMP.

Mindy Worley avatar
Written by Mindy Worley
Updated over 12 months ago

Zoom has the ability to stream directly to BoxCast through its Custom RTMP. One key thing to remember is you will need to have a paid Zoom account to do this.

Please also note that you cannot stream TO Zoom as they do not accept incoming data. Zoom can only send data from them to an outside source.

Below is a video and step-by-step guide to walk you through streaming your Zoom meetings to BoxCast. If you have any questions, we have a troubleshooting section at the bottom of this article or feel free to reach out to us at

Start by logging into your paid Zoom account, go to Settings, and click In Meeting (Advanced).


Scroll down and toggle Allow live streaming meetings. Then click Custom Live Streaming Service.


Get your Server URL and Stream Key from the BoxCast Dashboard. If you don't have your Server URL and Stream Key set up, create one by clicking Add Source and selecting Zoom.


Next, copy your Server URL and Stream Key under the Zoom source.


Take your Server URL and Stream Key and add them to the Custom Live Streaming Service in Zoom. For example:

  • Server URL: rtmp://

  • Stream Key: b42fg17vqybpzixm5vinv


Once your RTMP is set up, schedule a meeting in Zoom. We recommend scheduling the meeting to start 10 minutes before your scheduled broadcast just to make sure you can get in and begin streaming before your scheduled stream start time.

You'll also want to schedule a broadcast in the BoxCast Dashboard and select your source as Zoom.


Start your Zoom meeting and click the ...More option on the Zoom toolbar.


Click Live on Custom Live Streaming Service.


You'll be redirected to a page where you'll copy your Server URL and Stream Key and paste them to the Streaming URL and Streaming Key areas.

You'll also be asked to input a Live streaming page URL β€” this is simply the page your viewers will watch your stream on. BoxCast recommends using your website URL. You will receive an error from Zoom if you enter an invalid URL. For example, the RTMP URL for your Zoom source (found in the BoxCast dashboard) is NOT a valid choice for the live streaming page URL.


Five to 10 minutes prior to your scheduled broadcast time, click Go Live!, and your stream will begin preparing.


To check if it's working, make sure your Zoom meeting says it's live in the top-left corner and that you have a green Connected status dot in the BoxCast Dashboard.


Once your scheduled broadcast begins, it'll start streaming your Zoom meeting!



My Zoom feed is not working. Is there a setting I missed?

As of March 2021, Zoom requires an additional change in the settings to ensure the stream is working. Some accounts automatically have this feature disabled, but follow the steps below if your account does not.
Go to your Zoom settings.

Click on In Meeting (Basic).

You will want to ensure Require encryption for 3rd party endpoints (SIP/H.323) is turned off, and the button is grey.

Can I stream to Facebook, YouTube, or any other destinations while using Zoom and BoxCast?
Yes, just be sure to set that up while scheduling your broadcast in the BoxCast Dashboard.

Can I stream from BoxCast to Zoom?

No, Zoom does not ingest stream data, so they will not accept inbound data. They will only send data outbound.

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