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Trim a Broadcast

Once a broadcast is archived, you can trim the video at the beginning or end.

Josh Mathus avatar
Written by Josh Mathus
Updated over 9 months ago

Once a broadcast is archived, you can trim the front and back ends to remove unwanted footage. This feature is not destructive, so you are not actually deleting footage, and it can be undone at any time.

Go to the past broadcast you would like to trim and click on Trim Recording.

A new window will open with your video and the trimming tools. You can drag the start and stop times with the sliders on either end or enter the times directly instead of clicking and dragging.

You can preview the video from here. If you need to take a closer look, you can use the slider magnifying bar to zoom in on your timeline. In most cases, you can also adjust the height of the player for a better look. When you're finished, hit Save Trimmed Recording. Remember, this does not delete your video.

Your Broadcast is now trimmed! You can go back and un-trim it at any time. This only trims the broadcast on your website or BoxCast TV apps. This does NOT trim your broadcasts on Facebook or YouTube, as that video was handed off to the respective platforms while live and is no longer under our control.

New Features (June 2024)

  • Choose from a list of keyboard shortcuts to make trimming easier than ever. To see the list, simply click on the keyboard icon inside the trimming window.

  • Move the trim handle to match the location of the play head (little blue line) precisely

  • View the player controls and timeline right in the editing screen

Things to Remember

  • Trimming sections of video does NOT delete them forever. You are simply selecting a different point in the file for the video player to start/end at. You can remove the trim set for the file, and the previously trimmed portions will appear.

  • You can trim a file, download the trimmed section, then un-trim (once fully downloaded) so that the full version exists on your website while still having the trimmed version on your computer.

  • You can't trim out the middle of a file (i.e., remove a portion of the middle of a video while leaving the front and back untouched). You can only control start and end times with this tool.

  • Trimming is more precise on broadcasts sent from a BoxCast encoder. For RTMP broadcasts, we are limited to trimming by frame rate, which is usually 2 seconds.

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