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Epiphan Pearl + BoxCast

This step-by-step guide shows how to connect an Epiphan Pearl to BoxCast.

Mindy Worley avatar
Written by Mindy Worley
Updated over 2 months ago

Epiphan Pearl is a line of video recording and streaming hardware from Epiphan Video that can be used for live event production, video capture, and streaming. You can stream from an Epiphan Pearl to BoxCast in two different ways.

The first way is using the BoxCast RTMP integration with the Epiphan Pearl, sending from a third party RTMP encoder.

The second way is using the BoxCast SRT integration with the Epiphan Pearl, sending from a third party RTMP encoder.

Follow the steps below to learn more about streaming from the Epiphan Pearl.

Connecting an Epiphan Pearl to BoxCast via RTMP

After connecting your Pearl to your network and a video source, navigate to its web page, log in as the administrator, and click on the Pearl’s channel (usually called Auto), then click on Streaming:

Under Stream to servers, click New stream and choose RTMP push:

On the BoxCast sources page, create an RTMP source for your Pearl (if you have not already):

Back in the Epiphan Pearl web page, configure the following fields by copying and pasting from the RTMP source settings in the dashboard:

  • URL: Copy the Server URL from the dashboard

  • Stream name: Copy the Stream Key from the dashboard

  • Username: leave blank

  • Password: leave blank

Click Apply.

Make sure you have a broadcast scheduled in the BoxCast Dashboard and hit Start in the Pearl’s stream settings, or press the Pearl’s Stream button. You will want to start a stream at least 5-10 minutes before the broadcast goes live to ensure it goes live at the time you scheduled it to start. The broadcast will not begin until the time you selected in the BoxCast Dashboard.

Connecting an Epiphan Pearl to BoxCast via SRT

After connecting your Pearl to your network and a video source, navigate to its web page, log in as the administrator, and click on the Pearl’s channel (usually called Auto), then click on Streaming:

Under Stream to servers, click New stream and choose SRT push:

On the BoxCast sources page, create an SRT source for your Pearl (if you have not already):

Back in the Epiphan Pearl web page, configure the following fields by copying and pasting from the SRT source settings in the dashboard:

  • Connection mode: Caller

  • URL: Copy the URL field from the dashboard

  • Source port: Leave at 0 to allow the Pearl to choose a port automatically, or ask your network administrator what source port to use.

  • Stream ID: Copy the Stream ID field from the dashboard

  • Encryption: leave disabled if you have not enabled encryption in your SRT source settings, or enable if you have.

  • Key length: (if encryption is enabled) Use the Key length indicated on the dashboard.

  • Passphrase: (if encryption is enabled) Copy the Passphrase field from the dashboard.

  • Latency: Copy the Latency field from the dashboard

  • Recovery bandwidth overhead: leave at the default value, or work with your network administrator to choose a value that works for your network.

Click Apply.

Make sure you have a broadcast scheduled in the BoxCast Dashboard and hit Start in the Pearl’s stream settings, or press the Pearl’s Stream button. You will want to start a stream at least 5-10 minutes before the broadcast goes live to ensure it goes live at the time you scheduled it to start. The broadcast will not begin until the time you selected in the BoxCast Dashboard.

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