The Cube and Slice are two lines of streaming media encoders from Teradek; various models support streaming using H.264 or HEVC and using a variety of protocols, including SRT.
First, from your BoxCast Dashboard, go to the Sources tab and create or open an SRT source for your Teradek Cube/Slice. Expand the source and be sure Teradek Cube/Slice (600/700 series) is selected:
Plug power, network, and a video input into your Teradek device. Power it on and ensure it can connect to the internet.
Note: Many of the following steps can be completed from either the Teradek mobile app or from the front panel of the device itself. Configuring the device from the web page seems to be the easiest workflow; if you wish to use the mobile app or the device’s front panel, consult Teradek’s Help Center for further instructions.
Obtain your VidiU’s IP address by doing the following:
Press the Menu button on the front of the Teradek device.
Navigate down to Network Settings and press the Menu button again.
With Wired selected, press the Menu button. An IP address will be displayed (e.g.
Type this IP address in a new browser tab or window to visit the device’s web page. Click on Video Stream Output in the left-hand navigation to switch to the streaming settings:
Configure the following settings:
Codec: You may choose either H.264 or HEVC as desired; however, we recommend using HEVC, as it provides higher-quality video than H.264 at the same bitrate.
Mode: SRT
Mode: Caller
Host: Copy the Host value from the dashboard
Port: Copy the Port value from the dashboard
Source Port: Leave at 0 to allow the Teradek encoder to choose a port automatically, or ask your network administrator what source port to use.
Stream ID: Copy the Stream ID value from the dashboard
Auto Start: You may choose this value according to your use case. NOTE: you must have a current broadcast in the BoxCast dashboard to stream to your viewers – this feature will not automatically start a BoxCast broadcast.
Encryption: Copy the Encryption setting from the dashboard
Passphrase: (if encryption is enabled): Copy the Passphrase value from the dashboard
Encryption Key Size (bits): (if encryption is enabled): Copy the Encryption Key Size (bits) value from the dashboard
Latency (ms): Copy the Latency (ms) value from the dashboard NOTE: you may click and type this value in the Teradek web page, or you can move the provided slider.
Click the Apply button in the upper right corner. This may require the device to restart.
To begin streaming, press the Start Stream button on the Teradek web page, or press the Stream button on the front of the device.