Stream to Facebook via RTMP

This method is an excellent workaround for when the FB API is having issues

Mindy Worley avatar
Written by Mindy Worley
Updated over a week ago

Streaming to Facebook is super simple when using the BoxCast direct to Facebook integration. However, there are times when the integration may have issues due to problems on one side or the other. We recommend setting up an RTMP output directly to Facebook as a workaround during these times.

Tip: You can set this destination up anytime, and then keep it inactive except when you need to use it. You can keep the same RTMP destination with the same stream key and URL, you'll just need to create an event in FB each time. Follow the instructions below to learn how.

Create the RTMP Destination within your BoxCast Dashboard

From the BoxCast Dashboard, go to Settings > Integrations and select the + Add Integration button.

Select RTMP Destination from the popup window.

Give the destination any name you’d like (e.g. RTMP - Facebook) only you will see this name.

You will need to obtain your RTMP Server URL and RTMP Stream Key from Facebook before you can continue on the Dashboard.

Open a New Tab in your browser and follow the steps below to generate the Event on Facebook and obtain that Server URL / Stream Key for BoxCast at the same time, we’ll come back to the Dashboard later as we get this info.

Facebook Business Page Event Setup

On, Select the Live Video option where you would go to make a new post on your timeline.

Select Choose where to post in the sidebar on the left and select Post to Page you manage.

Select your page from the list that appears.

Select the option to Create live video event on the right.

Populate the basic event information in the sidebar such as the Name, Start Date/Time, Description, etc. just as you would when scheduling a broadcast in the BoxCast Dashboard.

Privacy may not be selectable for certain page privacy settings, skip this if you cannot select it, it should default to visible for anyone who follows your page.

Select Next in the sidebar.

Expand Settings in the sidebar and select Stream.

Enable the Use a persistent stream key option on the right.

Copy the Stream Key that is generated below.

Click Create Event in the sidebar.

Paste the Stream Key into the Stream Key field back on the BoxCast Dashboard in your other browser tab and return to the tab with Facebook and continue the next steps.

After creating the event on Facebook, you will be prompted to either Return Home or Setup Live Video - choose the latter.

Select Streaming Software under the Select a video source panel.

Expand Advanced Settings in the Streaming software setup panel.

Copy the Server URL. (e.g., rtmps://live-api-s.facebo…)

Select Save changes in the sidebar on the left to finally create the event on Facebook that you will be streaming to!

Finally, paste the Server URL that you copied in the corresponding field within the RTMP Destination setup dialog on the BoxCast Dashboard in your other browser tab.

Save your changes here to save your new RTMP Destination!

Adding the RTMP Destination to your Broadcast

Instead of adding your Facebook account as a destination to the broadcast, we will be adding the generic RTMP destination that we just created, which is pointing to your Facebook account’s RTMP credentials.

While scheduling the broadcast, choose Destinations and select the RTMP Destination you added in the previous steps

Alternatively, edit an existing broadcast and add the RTMP Destination via the Destinations tab in the Edit Broadcast dialog that appears.

For Future Broadcasts

The BoxCast RTMP Destination that you created is reusable, so you do not need to create a new one each time.

However, you will need to create a new Facebook event each time, following most of the steps under the Facebook Business Page Event Setup. Be sure to match the Start Date/Time that your BoxCast broadcast has, that way Facebook will have their event to match your RTMP Destination to on their end.

You do not need to copy the RTMP Server URL and Key each time, as that has already been saved to the RTMP Destination you created on the BoxCast Dashboard- and as long as you choose persistent stream key when you create your FB event, the stream key and url from Facebook will stay the same.

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