To upload a video for the first time and have it show up on your page, follow these steps:
Create a Category
On the Categories page (located under the Content heading in the left sidebar), click New Category and give your category a name.
Click the Enabled toggle switch to enable your new category, then click Save.
Upload Your Video
On the Videos page, click New Video and give your video a name.
Click both the Featured and Enabled toggle switches. This will enable your video and make it appear in the featured carousel section of the homepage.
Under the Media tab, upload a video source file and a 16:9 cover image, then click Save.
Create a New Collection
On the Collections page (located under the Layout heading in the left sidebar), click New Collection and give your collection a name.
Click the Enabled toggle switch and then click Save.
Add a New Row to Your Homepage
Go to Pages > Home and click New Row, and give your row a title (this will be displayed directly above the row on your homepage).
Select Collection for the type of row, and then choose the collection you just created and click Save.
When you refresh your homepage, you should see your new video in the featured carousel on the homepage.