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Suggested Upload Speeds for Streaming

This article walks through how to assess the amount of upload bandwidth you will need to stream.

Jim Zeller avatar
Written by Jim Zeller
Updated over a week ago

While circumstances can vary from network to network the general rule of thumb is:

You need twice the amount of upload bandwidth available as you will need for your stream.

The BoxCaster, BoxCaster Pro, and Broadcaster App can automatically set the bitrate for your broadcast depending on the network's available bandwidth at the start time of your live stream.

You should multiply by 2 for minimum recommended upload speeds on your network itself. For example, if you would like to send 720p using a BoxCaster, we would like to be able to send that signal at 3.5 Mbps and your network would need to have at least 7 Mbps in available bandwidth to achieve that.

The tables below indicate the minimum and maximum bitrates each BoxCast device will send, as well as the target bitrate BoxCast would like to see, in order to achieve that specific quality level (or resolution and frame rates). Keep in mind, these are the speeds the encoding medium itself will send.

Minimum Upload Speed Recommendations


Min Bitrate

Target Bitrate

Max Bitrate


700 kbps

1.5 Mbps



1.5 Mbps

3.0 Mbps



3.0 Mbps

4.0 Mbps


BoxCaster (HDSD2):


Min Bitrate

Target Bitrate

Max Bitrate


700 kbps

2.5 Mbps

4.8* Mbps


1.5 Mbps

3.5 Mbps

4.8* Mbps


3.0 Mbps

4.0 Mbps

4.8* Mbps

* The BoxCaster's maximum streaming bitrate.

BoxCaster Pro / Spark:


Min Bitrate

Target Bitrate

Max Bitrate

720p30 (HEVC)

500 kbps

4.0 Mbps

6.0 Mbps

720p60 (HEVC)

800 kbps

6.0 Mbps

9.0 Mbps

1080p30 (HEVC)

1.0 Mbps

8.0 Mpbs

12.0 Mbps

1080p60 (HEVC)

1.5 Mbps

12.0 Mbps

18.0* Mbps

* The BoxCaster Pro / Spark's maximum streaming bitrate.



Min Bitrate

Target Bitrate

Max Bitrate


1.0 Mbps

4.0 Mbps

6.0 Mbps


1.5 Mbps

6.0 Mbps

9.0 Mbps


2.0 Mbps

8.0 Mbps

12.0 Mbps


3.0 Mbps

12.0 Mbps

18.0 Mbps

Broadcaster App:


Min Bitrate

Target Bitrate

Max Bitrate

720p30 (HEVC)

1.0 Mbps

4.0 Mbps

6.0 Mbps

720p60 (HEVC)

1.5 Mbps

6.0 Mbps

9.0 Mbps

1080p30 (HEVC)

2.0 Mbps

8.0 Mbps

12.0 Mbps

1080p60 (HEVC)

3.0 Mbps

12.0 Mbps

18.0 Mbps

Again, the target bitrates are simply general recommendations, while the optimal upload speed and bitrate depend on the type of content that you are streaming. Other considerations include the BoxCaster's optimal settings for HD broadcasts, and the HEVC compatibility of iOS devices with the Broadcaster app.

Keep in mind that while your upload speed is the most important factor in streaming video, it is not the ONLY factor. The equipment in your network setup (ethernet cables, switches, routers, modems, etc.) all play an important part in reliably delivering video data.

More information about Upload Speed

Test Your Upload Speed

You can test your upload speed at This site is great for getting a general idea of your upload speed, but should be taken with a grain of salt. It will determine your speed for a moment in time; sometimes internet speeds can vary depending on your ISP and traffic on your network.

If you are streaming from a location where faster internet isn't an option

BoxCast encoders allow you to enable a feature called BoxCast Flow Control, that will allow you to put a small delay on your stream and cover for spotty internet.

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